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Azrieli Foundation: Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship - Deadline: 15 Nov. 2023

News from Aug 21, 2023

The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research at Israeli Universities in STEM, Humanities, and Social Sciences

The online application for the 2024–25 cohort opens September 1, 2023:


The Azrieli International Postdoctoral Fellowship supports the best and brightest minds in their postdoctoral research in Israel, connecting them with world-class academics and leading researchers. 

Who can apply?*

The Fellowship is open to candidates who have received their PhD degrees no earlier than November 1, 2020, in all countries except Israel. PhD candidates may apply if they complete their dissertation defence successfully no later than June 1, 2024. All nationalities may apply, except for Israeli citizens and residents. Candidates who commenced a postdoctoral or an academic position in Israel prior to September 1, 2023, may not apply.

*Please note that candidates are required to have an academic sponsor, who is a faculty member at an eligible Israeli academic institution. 

How much is the Fellowship? 

The Fellowship is made up of a basic stipend of ILS 168,000 per academic year, with an additional ILS 20,000 granted annually for research expenses and research-related travel.

When does the Fellowship begin? 

The starting date of the Fellowship is October 2024, which is the beginning of the 2024–25 Israeli academic year. However, candidates are permitted to start their Fellowship as early as June 2024, and no later than March 2025.

How long does the Fellowship last?

The Fellowship is offered for two years. Renewal for a third year will be considered favourably based on a competitive evaluation process. 

How many Fellowships are offered? 

Up to 24 Fellowships are offered per year.

What do I need in order to apply?

Requirements are detailed in the guidelines on our website: 


When to apply?

The online application opens September 1, 2023, and closes November 15, 2023. 

When will decisions be announced? 

Award notifications will be made by March 2024. 

For any questions, please contact: fellows@azrielifoundation.org

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